Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Nia is the fifth principle of Kwanzaa. It means purpose and I believe my name fits me perfectly. I come from a small suburb outside of Cleveland, Ohio called Shaker Heights. I love where I come from because it made me who am today.  My mother and sister are there whom I am very close to, my best friend of over ten years attends college there, there’s the spot by my grandparent’s house where I cut my knee learning to ride my bike, the place in front of my high school locker where I got my first kiss and my first heartbreak, and my church home where I used to sing and perform as a child… my entire life is there and for a long time that was all I knew. But with that being said, I've always seen more for myself. I had a vision that was bigger than my surroundings. I know I have a great purpose. I believe we all do and it’s our destiny to fulfill that purpose. So when I wasn't getting the party started with my girlfriends, listening to my favorite smooth tunes like the Weeknd or Sade, up at the mall in Guess buying every pair of jeans they had on sale, constantly checking my Instagram, or just struggling to maintain a drama-free carefree life; I had my head in the books because I knew that was my only sure way out of my situation. Now I’m here living in the AMAZING city of Chicago as a freshman music major at Columbia College. I'm so excited, anxious, nervous, overwhelmed, happy, etc. because there is so much opportunity around me. I can feel it! I know being here is going to change my life forever and I cannot wait to fully grasp everything around me. For once I'm actually thrilled about being in school and learning because there's so much freedom and encouragement for students to be who they are. Already I'm loving this class because I’m creating my own blog as my first homework assignment ha! (How sweet is that?) I love writing down how I feel so I don't really see this as work, it’s more therapeutic. To wrap this up, I'm just completely over joyed. I'm looking forward to learning a lot of new things, improving my writing skills, and just writing any and everything period. I know this is going to be a year to remember for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Nia.
    I love-love-love the genuine enthusiasm of this post...your voice is authentic and conveys clear, but intricate ideas and images. You illustrate your life through concrete visuals, instead of abstract nouns/adjectives. Nice work. And yes, this style of writing is definitely more therapeutic, but I try to stress the personal benefits of writing in the course.
